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General College Uniform rules:

  • Full, correct uniform is to be worn each day.
  • T-Shirts, "skins" and other undergarments are not to be visible under blouse or shirt.
  • The Southern Cross Catholic College bag is the only bag to be used (black for Secondary, burgundy for Primary).
  • The Southern Cross Catholic College academic hat (with academic uniform) or sports bucket hat (with Primary or sports uniform) is to be worn. The hat is to be worn on arrival and departure from the school grounds, and at all times the student is outside of the classroom. The hat is to be removed when indoors.
  • All Secondary students are expected to wear their full Academic uniform on Fridays. 
  • Primary students are required to wear Academic Uniform three days per week. Sports uniforms are to be worn on Fridays AND one other day per week when their classroom HPE lesson is scheduled. Primary students may wear their Southern Cross Catholic College house shirt on Fridays, in place of their sports shirt.
  • Shoes that light up, have rollers or make noise are not permitted at any time. 

Academic Uniform - Primary

  • Check-patterned button-up shirt with abstract SCCC embroidery
  • Burgundy elastic waist shorts- SCCC initials embroidery
  • Shoes are black (all black).  No coloured lace.
  • White socks above the ankles
  • Burgundy, embroidered, bucket hat
  • Check-patterned button-up shirt with tie with abstract SCCC embroidery
  • Burgundy button-up waist culottes with SCCC initials embroidery OR
  • Check-patterned dress with abstract SCCC embroidery
  • Shoes are black (all black).  No coloured laces.
  • White socks above the ankle
  • Burgundy, embroidered, bucket hat
Sports uniform – Primary
  • Burgundy/yellow polo shirt, knit collar, SCCC logo
  • Burgundy quick-dry shorts  with SCCC initials embroidery
  • Sports shoes suitable for physical activities
  • Socks are white and are to reach at least to the ankles.
  • Burgundy, embroidered, bucket hat
  • Prep students wear Sports uniform every day (unisex)

Academic Uniform - Junior Secondary (Years 7-10)

  • White blouse with burgundy and grey stripes, SCCC embroidered logo and tie
  • Charcoal grey skorts or skirt with 
  • Black leather lace-up shoes polished with white socks above the ankles
  • Cream Formal Hat
  • White shirt with burgundy and grey stripes, SCCC embroidered logo
  • Charcoal grey shorts with SCCC logo
  • Black leather lace-up shoes polished with grey socks above the ankles
  • Grey Formal Hat

Academic Uniform - Senior Secondary (Years 11 & 12)

  • Grey Senior Dress with Senior tie
  • Black leather lace-up shoes, polished with white socks above the ankles
  • Cream formal hat
  • White Senior dress shirt with Senior tie
  • Grey Senior dress shorts
  • Knee-high grey socks
  • Black leather lace-up shoes, polished 
  • Grey formal hat

Sports Uniform – Secondary (unisex)

  • Burgundy/gold/grey polo shirt, knit collar, SCCC logo
  • Black quick-dry shorts SCCC / Shine logo embroidery
  • Sports shoes suitable for physical activities
  • Socks are white, with no logos and are to reach at least to the ankles.
  • Burgundy embroidered bucket hat
  • College Uniforms: the full College uniform is to be worn correctly and with pride as per the Uniform Requirements and Expectations, at the College, travelling between home and the College and on other occasions as required. 
  • Shoes: black leather-laced school shoes or black joggers (Primary only) are to be worn with academic uniform. Shoes must comply with Workplace Health and Safety regulations. Sports shoes suitable for physical activity are to be worn with sports uniform. High Tops, Globes, DCs, Volleys, deck shoes, Vans etc., are not to be worn as part of the uniform.
  • Winter wear (Primary): The college jumper or a plain maroon pullover and plain maroon tracksuit pants may be worn during winter.
  • Winter wear (Secondary): Black college sports jacket. Year 12 students may wear their senior jersey during terms 2 and 3, with their sports uniform (as a jumper). 
  • Hat: the College hat is to be worn to and from school and at all times the student is outside the classroom. A “no hat, no play” rule is strictly applied. Ripped, torn or tattered hats need to be replaced. Student’s name is to be clearly but unobtrusively written on the hat. Hats are a graffiti-free uniform item.
  • Hair: A student’s hair must be kept natural, well-groomed and off the face at all times. Fringes should not interfere with eyesight. Hair that reaches the uniform collar is to be tied back with ties and/or bands. Tie(s), band(s), hair clips etc are to be of the college colours (maroon, black, white, charcoal grey, or gold). Hairstyles are to be compatible with the College Uniform policy. Extreme or radical hair styles (including ‘streaks’, ‘tracks’, ‘rats tails’, ‘horse tails’, ‘mullets’, extreme hair parting, shaving, undercuts, or extensions) are not acceptable. Coloured hair (tints/dyes) that are not your natural hair colour, or do not look natural on you are unacceptable. Hair shorter than a ‘number 2’ cut is not acceptable. Cultural exceptions to hair styles can be negotiated with a member of the CLT on a case by case basis. A request will be made to make required changes to hair, that does not meet the agreed uniform standard. This may include withdrawal from classes until the standard is met..
  • Jewellery: acceptable jewellery items include one pair of plain gold or silver studs or sleepers (no gemstones, pearls or shapes) that may be worn in the ear lobes; a simple wrist watch; flat signet ring; a plain metal chain with a religious medal or cross. No other body piercings are acceptable. Students will be asked to remove unacceptable jewellery items on first notice. Refusal to remove items may result in withdrawal from classes until the uniform policy is adhered to. The College takes no responsibility for the safety or replacement of any jewellery worn by students. It should be noted that any item of jewellery may be required to be removed due to health and safety reasons.
  • Make-up: students are not to wear make-up to school. Students with visible make-up (including sunscreen foundation) will be asked to remove it and be given an Level 1 Yellow Infringement. Ongoing wearing of makeup will result in further consequences. This includes eyelash extensions.
  • Nail polish: nail polish, acrylic nails or tattoos are not to be worn to school. Students will be asked to remove polish and tattoos on first notice.
  • Shaving: male students are to be clean shaven on arrival to school.
  • Personal hygiene: students are expected to take responsibility at all times for their own cleanliness. This shows respect for themselves and for other members of our community.
  • Tattoos: All tattoos (temporary, permanent and/or Henna-style tattoos) are unacceptable at school. Any permanent tattoos are to be covered at all times.
  • Non-Uniform Days: On ‘non-uniform’ days, students are required to wear clothing that complies with health and safety expectations and is compatible with College values. Students are required to wear the College hat and regulation shoes (closed in shoes – no thongs, sandals or strappy shoes). Shirts and tops are to have sleeves and fully cover the mid-drift. Symbols and writing worn on clothing should be compatible with the College culture and values. Shorts and skirts should appropriate in length. Sports compression and active wear tights are not permitted. House coloured shirts may only be worn on days prescribed by the College.

Primary and Secondary uniforms can be purchased from The School Locker at Domain (Townsville), at the College Uniform Shop (select open times) or online here