Enrol With Us
Now offering Prep to Year TwelvePrimary schooling provides foundational experiences for learning by fostering positive relationships between the family, the student and the college through developing the skills required for success.
At Southern Cross Catholic College, we believe that the partnership between teachers and parents has a great impact on student learning. We promote a culture of excellence that supports students with challenging and stimulating learning experiences. Effective teaching strategies support the learning strengths and needs of students of diverse abilities and backgrounds.
While the development of literacy and numeracy skills for our students from Prep to Year 6 is a core component of becoming a successful learner, we are also very passionate about providing opportunities for our students to have access to a broad range of experiences that help them to develop as confident and creative individuals and active, informed citizens.
Our curriculum program and teaching strategies incorporate opportunities appropriate to the developmental needs of each stage, including play experiences in the early years, hands on experiences throughout the years and opportunities to apply academic rigour as learning progresses.
Primary students have access to learning in the following subjects aligned with the Australian and Queensland Curriculum: